Crucial Things Your Eye Doctor Wishes You Knew

Most people with near-perfect vision often assume their eyes will always remain healthy. However, this just doesn't happen automatically; you have to pay attention to your overall eye health and protect your eyes. Unfortunately, the path to retaining better eyesight isn't always clear, so it's advisable to abide by the insights that eye health professionals share. Here are some essential considerations you shouldn't ignore.

Reduce Screen Time

If you're like most people, you own devices like a phone, laptop, tablet, and smartwatch. While these devices are vital for work and can enhance the quality of your social life, it's essential to limit screen time. These devices emit blue light which is a high-energy light that leads to eye strain, blurred vision, and sleep problems. Make sure you limit your screen time as often as possible. 

Don't Miss Your Regular Eye Appointments

Your eye doctor will recommend that you visit them for a thorough eye examination at least once every year. People with clear eyesight tend to overlook this because they are busy or simply don't know the significance of showing up. Eye exams play a vital role in maintaining your vision. When the assessment is done regularly, signs of eyesight issues will be spotted in advance. The eye doctor will provide proper treatment immediately after diagnosing an eye infection or disease to ensure your vision doesn't worsen. Preventing eyesight issues is always better than fixing them when they become a problem.

Never Ignore Symptoms of Eye Problems

Have you been losing vision in one of your eyes for a few moments at a time? This symptom may indicate a short-lived ischemic attack or ministroke. Other signs that you need immediate attention include double vision, flashing lights, and floaters (seeing speck-like objects or cobwebs). Signs like this signify that you have a serious eye health issue and need treatment immediately. Schedule an appointment with an eye doctor for prompt treatment.

Share Your Health Issues With the Eye Doctor

When you visit your eye doctor for your regular assessment, you should also disclose your medical history. Most people downplay conditions that may point to severe eye conditions when receiving an eye exam because they don't know that their overall health is connected to their eye health. For instance, failing to share health issues like diabetes, heart disease, or mental illnesses will be detrimental to how your eye doctor diagnoses your vision problems. Even metabolic, digestive, joint, breathing, inflammatory, and muscular disorders often affect the eyes and should be discussed.

For more information, contact your eye doctor
