Help Your Child Avoid Pink Eye

Conjunctivitis, or pink eye as it is more widely known, is a common eye condition that runs rampant in many daycares, schools, and other child-friendly environments. While complications from pink eye are not as common, the condition is one that you should help your child avoid if at all possible. Discover some things you can do to lower your child's risk.

Hand-Washing Skills

Ensure your child develops excellent hand-washing skills. Many cases of pink eye are transferred when a child comes in contact with the infection-causing bacteria. When a person comes in contact with the bacteria, they spread this highly contagious element each time they touch another object. Teach your child to regularly wash their hands throughout the day with antibacterial soap. 

Sharing Rules

You teach your child not to be selfish, but when it comes to their health, you should let your son or daughter know that there are times when they should not share. Ensure your child understands that they should not share glasses, pillowcases, or towels. If they are older, they should not share makeup products like mascara or eyeliner either. The bacteria can survive on all these surfaces and infect your child. 

No Hand Zone

Just as you teach your child not to put their hands in their mouth, you should also teach them not to put their hand anywhere near their eye. As previously mentioned, washing hands can drastically reduce the risk of the infection spreading. However, you can never be one-hundred percent certain. In the event your child did not wash their hands thoroughly, they can help eliminate the spread of pink eye by keeping their hands away from their eye. Let your child know that the practice is unhealthy to help motivate them to listen to you. 

Speak Up

Don't be afraid to make your voice heard when it comes to your child's health. If you visit your child's school or daycare center and you see another child with pink eye, let the staff know right away. If one child has pink eye in the facility, there is a real possibility that another child will contract the condition if the child is not treated and the center not properly disinfected. Speak with a staff member to alert them of your concern so that they can take action as necessary. 

The more aggressive your efforts to protect your child, the less likely they are to contract this condition. However, in the event your child does develop pink eye, it's best to contact an eye doctor. The physician will examine your child's eye to determine the appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan for their concerns. 
